Welcome to the Student Division!

We are so excited that you are here and hope that the following information is helpful to you during your studies. We offer a variety of information in relation to practicum sites, internships, mentorships, and helpful links when you are burning fuel in the early hours of the morning to finish that paper!

We would encourage you to check us out on Facebook where you can find all the latest information happening within the Student Division of MPA! When you like us on Facebook, not only do you get to hear the latest happenings at MPA, but we also include weekly posts to help you through those difficult times as students, as well as connection to others who are doing the same work! We also have a blog where we highlight student voices and issues. Students are more than welcome to contribute to the blog, more information can be found on the website. Be sure to check out the links to our newsletters below!

If there is anything that I can do as Chair I would love to hear from you! The best way to contact me is at [email protected] or through a personal message on Facebook. We look forward to hearing from you, meeting you, and supporting you through college!


MPA Student Division Chair

    Amanda Janke MA | Chair | [email protected]

Student Membership Dues

 At the July 16 Governing Council meeting, a motion was passed to institute $10/year student membership dues. For less than one dollar a month, your funds will go to support MPA and advocacy activities protecting psychologists. Your membership provides you with access to a variety of resources, large discounts on MPA events and education sessions, and a supportive network for anything from social gatherings to important discussions to help you navigate the challenges that come with being a student.

MPA is aware of the financial obligations that students face; therefore, students who cannot afford the yearly dues will be able to opt out of this charge due to financial hardship without any questions asked by entering discount code Student0 when checking out. This change will be effective starting with September 1 renewals. 

Current Three Year Vision & Objectives (2024-2026)

Graduate students and early-career professionals represent the future of the Minnesota Psychological Association and the field as a whole. In order to increase the size of the MPA, potential members must see the inherent value in belonging to our organization. This requires both depth and breadth of content. We seek to continue the momentum to increase both MPA membership and local engagement. To accomplish this, we propose the following objectives:

  1. Continue to expand the ways in which student members may become involved in the greater Minnesota Psychological community, including within MPA, through volunteer work, holding positions of leadership, and working with other divisions to impact the work of psychology in Minnesota.

  2. Continue to expand the network of graduate students and early career mental health professionals through different events, such as coffee meetings, social hours, cultural events

  3. Increase the number of resources accessible to students through MPA. 

 Student Division Resources






Student Division Newsletters

End of Spring 2021
End of Fall 2020 End of Summer 2020
June 2020 May 2020 April 2020
March 2020 February 2020 January 2020
December 2019 November 2019 October 2019
September 2019 August 2019 July 2019
June 2019 May 2019

April 2019

March 2019 February 2019 January 2019