MPA Mentorship Program

**Please note that the Mentorship Program is paused until further notice.**
Reach out to the MPA office ([email protected]) if you have questions or would like additional information on this paused program. 

The Minnesota Psychological Association is excited to host a mentorship platform to connect students and professionals at all levels. If you are interested in being a mentor or mentee, please find the respective forms below to register. The Student Division of MPA manages these applications and helps facilitate connecting those interested in mentoring with those who have similar interests as mentees. You must be an MPA member to participate in the Mentorship Program.

What is a mentorship?

Mentorship is one of the cornerstones in the training of and support for clinicians in the field of psychology. It is an excellent way for students to gain support in their professional identity development. Mentorship can be a tool to help you become oriented to and established within the field, explore future career interests, and gain psychosocial support. 

The MPA mentorship program provides mentors and mentees an opportunity to develop a collaborative and respectful relationship. Both mentor and mentee would have the flexibility to decide on the format and frequency of the mentorship. We provide an individualized match for students based on their interests, identified field/experiences, and the available mentors' expertise and experiences. Due to that, the matching process may be slow, and we appreciate your patience!

Perks of becoming a mentee1:

  • Academic productivity
  • Networking and initial employment opportunities
  • Professional competence and confidence
  • Satisfaction with the training program
  • Professional and interpersonal connection

Perks of becoming a mentor2:

  • Passing on your professional legacy
  • Share your wisdom and guidance
  • Stay connected and updated within the field

Research showed that graduate students preferred their mentors to (1) provide a roadmap of how their experiences impact their career goals, (2) be a professional role model, (3) foster and broaden perspectives, and (4) provide resources and feedback to build their professional experiences.2 

How to sign up:

If you are interested in participating in the MPA Mentorship Program as a mentor, please fill out this Mentor Application Form.

If you are interested in participating in the MPA Mentorship Program as a mentee, please fill out this Mentee Application Form.

Difference between mentorship and internship:

Mentorship is a process where a more experienced professional imparts their experiences, wisdom, insight, and support to a less experienced person. The main goal of mentorship is to provide support and guidance to the mentee as they explore their career as a future psychologist.

An internship is a practical real-world experience that allows you to use the information you used in class in a professional and clinical setting. Internships are typically a requirement for graduation and students receive clinical hours and/or school credits upon completion.

We unfortunately do not offer internships, clinical experience/hours, or school credits. This is a mentorship program that focuses on providing support and guidance as you navigate your future as a psychologist.


Have questions? Please contact the Student Division Co-chairs, David Van Engen or Quincy Guinadi, at [email protected].


1Johnson, W. B. (2014). Mentoring in psychology education and training: A mentoring relationship continuum model. In W. B. Johnson & N. J. Kaslow (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of education and training in clinical psychology (pp. 272–290). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

2Mangione, L., Borden, K. A., Nadkarni, L., Evarts, K., & Hyde, K. (2018). Mentoring in clinical psychology programs: Broadening and deepening. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(1), 4-13.