The Minnesota Psychological Association (MPA) sponsors a variety of continuing education (CE) events throughout the year on clinical practice issues. This section of the MPA website has information for individuals who would like to submit a proposal for a continuing education program or for those who have been asked by MPA to present a continuing education program. 

CE Program Audience:
The audience for MPA’s continuing education programs includes psychologists, a variety of other mental health professionals/practitioners, and students.

CE Program Formats and Lengths:
MPA sponsors a variety of program formats for CE Credit including:
  • Friday Forums that are half-day or full-day programs on timely topics of interest to psychologists and other mental health professionals. Most Friday Forums are currently virtual webinars. Half-day Friday Forums are three-hours in length, and the presenter receives a $250 stipend*. Some full-day Forums are held as virtual Conferences such as the President’s Conference or the Multicultural Summit. Presenters who have previously offered a well-received MPA program may be invited to be a Friday Forum “Encore” speaker for a future Friday Forum. Friday Forums are co-sponsored with Metropolitan State University.
  • Distinguished Scholar Lectures that feature nationally-recognized researchers in areas having implications for clinicians and others working in other areas of psychology. Fall and Spring in-person Distinguished Scholar Lectures are co-sponsored with Macalester College and are held in-person on the college’s St. Paul campus. MPA may sponsor other Distinguished Scholar Lectures. Distinguished Scholar Lectures are generally one and a half hours in length.
  • Lunch and Learns that are virtual programs held over the lunch hour. The program facilitator gives a brief presentation on the topic, then facilitates a discussion with attendees who generally have experience or knowledge about the topic.
  • Other formats and lengths as proposed by potential CE program presenters. The MPA Education and Training Committee is open to discussing ideas for CE programming with individuals interested in submitting a session. Email [email protected] with questions or Education and Training Committee support related to developing a program.
MPA hosts an On Demand Library of CE programs that includes a number of the above programs for which presenters have given permission to record their event. Presenters willing to be included in the MPA On Demand Library will need to write 6 questions per CE Credit for the posttest. Click here to view the posttest writing guidelines. Live online and in-person CE programs do not require posttests.
* - Stipend will increase to $500 beginning August 1, 2024. 

CE Credit:
CE Credit is awarded for MPA’s CE programs. One CE Credit is awarded for each hour of CE programming. The Minnesota Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Minnesota Psychological Association maintains responsibility for the programs and content that the association sponsors. The information required to approve a program for CE Credit is requested on the proposal form. A re ́sume ́ or curriculum vitae for each presenter needs to accompany the proposal form. The MPA Education and Training Committee has the overall responsibility for reviewing and awarding of CE Credit. Email [email protected] for information on becoming an Education and Training Committee member. In some cases, other MPA committees or divisions are responsible for developing CE program content.

CE Program Levels:
It is assumed that all programs offered for CE Credit are at a post-doctoral education status. Program levels are identified as Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced.

Submitting a Proposal for a CE Session:
To submit a session for a CE program, the ONLINE FORM should be completed. Because a partially completed proposal form cannot be saved for later submission, you are advised to gather as much information as possible in advance of completing the form. Much of the information you prepare in advance can usually be pasted directly in the form or can be attached to the form. Some things that can be assembled in advance include:
  • Program Title –no longer than 15 words;
  • Contact information and CV for each presenter;
  • At least 3 recent peer-reviewed references cited APA-style supporting program content;
  • Program Description of 150-250 words;
  • Learning Objectives—at least one objective per hour with a minimum of 2 objectives for a 1 hour program—each objective starts with an active verb, e.g., “Describe…. (Do not use “Understand” or “Know.”);
  • Bio Information (approximately 150 words) with credentials and experience related to program content for each presenter; and
  • Report of any conflicts of interest.
If you are not answering or cannot answer any item on the proposal form, simply insert any letter for the item and continue. For assistance or questions related to completing the proposal form, contact [email protected].
Students and Proposal Submission:
Students who are interested in collaborating with their professors or other professionals can refer to this page for extra guidance in developing a program.
Other MPA Non-Credit Educational Programs:
MPA Committees and Divisions may host educational programs such a book club, panel discussions, and other events that are not offered for CE Credit. The completion of the proposal form is not required for these educational programs.