Industry News: SafeTALK
Did you know that suicide has surpassed car accidents as a leading cause of death in our country according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Or that suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-34 year olds in Minnesota, higher than the national rate for that age group? Also, the Minnesota Department of Health reports that 16.5 % of ninth graders in 2010 reported having thoughts of killing themselves. While suicide is often thought of as an individual problem, it actually impacts families, communities and our entire state in both human and economic ways.
Attention is being focused on the rising rate of suicide, and our communities are recognizing that we can no longer afford to avoid or dismiss this serious public health concern as a weakness that can only happen in other families. Suicide is everyone’s problem, not only because it can happen in any family, but because when it does, we are all affected.